
The Fundació Pilar i Joan Miró a Mallorca is a cultural centre based on the art studios that artist Joan Miró bequeathed to the public. It offers visitors an insight into his artwork and underlying creative process in the place where the artist lived and worked for almost 30 years. The Fundació aims to offer an interdisciplinary public service with a view to promoting knowledge, social links and participation, both at a local and international level. It is a centre for contemporary artistic creation and for reflection on subjects associated with Joan Miró’s work.
Board of Trustees
Chairman & Mayor of Palma
- Jaime Martínez Llabrés
- Vice-presidentJosé Javier Bonet Díaz
City Council Members
- Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta
- Pilar Ribal Simó
- Rafael Brunet Guerrero
- Luis Juan de Sentmenat García-Ruíz
- Amparo Sard Valor
- Javier Vich Vélez
- Silvana González San Martín
- Ignacio Esteban Comamala
- National Minister for Culture
- María del Carmen Lliteras Arañó
- Rosario Sánchez Grau
- Silvana González San Martín
Ex-officio members
- Emeritus PatronMaria Lluïsa Juncosa Canals
- Antoni Juncosa Aysa
- Emeritus PatronÁngel Juncosa Aysa
- Enrique Juncosa Cirer
- Maria Dolors Juncosa Álvarez de Sotomayor
- Emeritus PatronNicolau Llaneras Manresa
- Joan Punyet Miró
- Lola Fernández Jiménez
- María José Salazar Herrería
- Pilar Ortega Chapel
- José María Pardo Falcón
- Emeritus PatronCarmen Giménez Martín
- Emeritus PatronCamilo José Cela Conde
- José Carlos Llop Carratalá
- Representative of the Fundació Mas MiróElena Juncosa Vecchierini
- Representative of the Barcelona Fundació MiróMarko Daniel
- Representative of the Obra Cultural BalearCatalina Bibiloni
- Regional Minister for CultureJaume Bauzá Mayol
- Mercedes Vilardell March
- Josep Massot Ramis de Ayreflor
- Jaume Ripoll Vaquer
- Secretary of Palma City CouncilNicolau Conti Fuster
- Auditor of Palma City CouncilJuan Cañellas Vich
Director of the Fundació
- Antònia Maria Perelló Ferrer
Governing Council
- José Javier Bonet Díaz
- Fernando Gómez de la Cuesta
- Pilar Ribal Simó
- Rafael Brunet Guerrero
- María del Carmen Lliteras Arañó
Ex-officio members
- Lola Fernández Jiménez
- Joan Punyet Miró
- Pilar Ortega Chapel
- Maria Dolors Juncosa Álvarez de Sotomayor
- José María Pardon Falcón
- Secretary of Palma City CouncilNicolau Conti Fuster
- Auditor of Palma City CouncilJuan Cañellas Vich
Director of the Fundació
- DirectorAntònia Maria Perelló Ferrer
- DirectorAntònia Maria Perelló Ferrerantoniamaria.perello@miromallorca.com
Communication and Marketing Service
- Head of Communication and Marketing ServiceRoser Salmoral Buitragoroser.salmoral@miromallorca.com
- Assistant of Communication and Marketing ServiceNatalia Covas Mirandanatalia.covas@miromallorca.com
Education and Cultural Activities Service
- Head of Education and Cultural Activities ServiceAlejandro Ysasi Alonsoalejandro.deysasi@miromallorca.com
- Assistant of Educational and Cultural Activities ServiceAntònia R. Huguet Perellóantoniarosa.huguet@miromallorca.com
- Assistant of Educational and Cultural Activities ServiceIrene Gayà Arbonairene.gaya@miromallorca.com
- Joan Miró’s Printmaking StudiosJoan Oliver Argelésjoan.oliver@miromallorca.com
Art and Research Area
- Head of Art and Research AreaPatricia Juncosa Vecchierinipatricia.juncosa@miromallorca.com
- Conservator technicianEnric Juncosa Darderenric.juncosa@miromallorca.com
- Exhibition's Coordinator technicianPilar Baos Rodríguezexposicions@miromallorca.com
- Registrar technicianMaría Antonia Artigues Cabrermariaantonia.artigues@miromallorca.com
- Library and Archive technicianGabriel Noguera Vichgabriel.noguera@miromallorca.com
Administration and General Services Area
- Head of Administration and General Services AreaAmanda Carnicero Alcoveramanda.carnicero@miromallorca.com
- IT technicianPere Manel Mulet Ferrerperemanel.mulet@miromallorca.com
- Administrative officerDolors Nadal Llinàsdolors.nadal@miromallorca.com
- Administrative officerTeresa Ques Mestremariateresa.ques@miromallorca.com
- MaintenanceSebastià Bennàssar Pascualsebastia.bennassar@miromallorca.com